
Our sincere thanks go to the team of «Classique Banque Nationale» of Gatineau and Gatineau business community who have donated $ 6,500 to Ataxia Canada-Claude St-Jean Foundation.
Our sincere thanks go to the team of «Classique Banque Nationale» of Gatineau and Gatineau business community who have donated $ 6,500 to Ataxia Canada-Claude St-Jean Foundation.
Québec media have recently covered the story of Jayden, bubble boy, the first Québec patient successfully treated using gene therapy. Jayden Duquette, five months old, was a patient of Dr. Élie Haddad, a pediatric immunologist at Ste-Justine children’s hospital in Montreal. He was born with an immune system deficiency caused...
We invite you to play online games to raise money and awareness for Ataxia Canada ! The event takes place from 30 August to 6 September. Not just on a channel twitch but in 5 channels (yes you read that right) in 5 different channels all for the same cause....
Deadline: September 25th 2015 Dear members, At the November 2015 General Assembly we will have to elect three (3) members for our Association’s Executive Board. In this message we want to invite applications from people who satisfy any of the following criteria: be active in the business sector or in the community, be available, have...
In a Radio-Canada radio interview on January 19, 1974, Dr. André Barbeau told Fernand Séguin how he viewed research in health: “The problem is the total level of support for research. Let’s call a spade a spade: “health” is in fact “the health industry.” It accounts for two billion dollars...