Eldorado January 2014, No 29 Vol. 1

The Evolution of Name Editorial It’s official, CAFA has reached a milestone. We have a new name: Ataxia Canada! As always, opinions varied on the subject. The majority were open to the change, but there were some opposed to it. As for me, I think it’s progress. The change was...

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Eldorado November 2013, No 28 Vol. 3

My Thanks Editorial “The Walk to Fight Familial Ataxias has been a great success. We have been able to raise over $95000, over the last 5 years, with all 4 provinces working together. I wish to thank you for continuing to support us by coming to our walk in Whitby....

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The Hero Raphman

I’d be a hero in a flying wheelchair. I would have pretty big arms, but obviously I would never walk again. My hobby would be Skating; my profession would be working at the hospital, helping children overcome their fears. For instance, when a child is afraid of his first blood...

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I Learn to Live with It

At first the doctors told me that it was a branch of the F… ataxia. I was panicking and questions filled my head: will I have to be in a wheelchair? Will my condition deteriorate? How much longer will I live? Will I die? I remember all these emotions as...

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