To conquer Machu Picchu and defeat ataxias

 A team of 12 people left Montreal this afternoon to conquer the Machu Pichu in Peru. Four of these people are suffering from Friedreich’s ataxia and the other eight are close supporters. The common and fundamental objective (in addition to climb this mountain) is to raise awareness of ataxia and...

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Eldorado May 2015, No 30, Vol. 1

Editorial Spring is here! We are full of projects for our various events: the Machu Picchu challenge, the Défi Ataxie cycling event , the various regional editions of the Walk to Fight Familial Ataxias, etc. Through these activities, we hope to reach a large number of participants across Quebec and...

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Rare Disease Day

28 February 2015 marks the eighth international Rare Disease Day coordinated by EURORDIS. On and around this day hundreds of patient organisations from more than 80 countries and regions worldwide are planning awareness-raising activities around the slogan Day-by-day, hand-in-hand.

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