Les caractéristiques neuropsychologiques de l’ataxie de Friedreich (2002) [Funded by CAFA]

Les caractéristiques neuropsychologiques de l’ataxie de Friedreich (2002), Robert Lalonde, Catherine Strazielle Résumé L’ataxie de Friedreich provient de l’expansion du triplet guanine-adénine-adénine du gène FRDA. Les patients se caractérisent par d’importants troubles sensorimoteurs causés par une dégénérescence cérébelleuse associée à des lésions majeures des voies spino-cérébelleuses, corticos pinales et lemniscates....

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Location score and haplotype analyses of the locus for autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (1999) [Funded by CAFA]

Location Score and Haplotype Analyses of the Locus for Autosomal Recessive Spastic Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay, in Chromosome Region 13q11 (1999), A. Richter, John D. Rioux, J.-P. Bouchard, J. Mercier, J. Mathieu, Bing Ge, J. Poirier, D. Julien, G. Gyapay, J. Weissenbach, T. J. Hudson, S. B. Melançon, K. Morgan [Funded...

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Amantadine hydrochloride treatment in heredodegenerative ataxias (1996) [Funded by CAFA]

Amantadine hydrochloride treatment in heredodegenerative ataxias: a double blind study (1996), M. I. Botez, Therese Botez-Marquard, Robert Elie, Olga-Lucia Pedraza, Kristine Goyette, Robert Lalonde Abstract Objective-A group of 27 patients with Friedreich’s ataxia and another group of 30 patients with olivopontocerebellar atrophies were each randomly divided into two subgroups, one...

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Linkage Studies of Friedreich Ataxia by Means of Blood-Group and Protein Markers (1987) [Funded by CAFA]

Linkage Studies of Friedreich Ataxia by Means of Blood-Group and Protein Markers (1987), B. J. B. Keats, L. J. Ward, M. Lu, S. Krieger, M. A. Wilensky, C. J. Foster-Gibson, M. Roy, M. Monté, A. Barbeau, N. E. Simpson, H. Eiberg, P. Tippett, R. Williamson, S. Chamberlain SUMMARY Friedreich ataxia...

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Natural history of scoliosis in Friedreich’s ataxia (1986) [Funded by CAFA]

Abstract Does scoliosis associated with Friedreich’s ataxia behave like an idiopathic or a typical neuromuscular scoliosis? Should it be treated like an idiopathic or a neuromuscular curve? Since no precise information to answer these questions could be found in the orthopaedic literature, a retrospective study was undertaken of seventy-eight patients...

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