Event details
- Wednesday | 2021-09-25
- 13:00
Please join us on September 25th at 1h00pm in Central Park, Burnaby for the Metro Vancouver Walk for Ataxia Fundraiser! It’s only 3 to 5 km and will highlight the international ataxia awareness day!
(Central Park picnic area, next to Variety Park Playground via the north entrance to the park, Kingsway ENTRANCE)
Note that for all attending: the event is held outside, and we will follow all the proper health recommendations for small gatherings.
We understand that due to covid-19 rising cases in the Metro Vancouver area, that some people would like to attend virtually. If you want to do so, we encourage you to take a small walk in your neighborhood and take a picture of your self, post it on social media with the hashtag #metrovancouverataxiawalk.
The event is organised by a local volunteer: Sonia Prasad. Sonia has recently lost her daughter to ataxia and is determined for more people to know about this degenerative neuromuscular disease which shortens life expectancy. It is most often diagnosed between the age of 5 to 15 years old and deprives children and teenagers of their mobility and autonomy.
Please rsvp to: soniaprasad@shaw.ca to participate or consider supporting us with a generous donation!
Ataxia Canada – Claude St-Jean Foundation’s mission is to improve the well-being of people affected by ataxia and to support research. Ataxia is incurable to this day. Over the past few years, we have set up new programs that require increasing funding. It is for that reason that we are reaching out to you, asking you to consider providing a financial support to help us achieve our objectives for the upcoming years. These objectives are:
- A financial support program for those persons affected by ataxia: innovative crowdfunding initiative that encourages families in needs to appeal to their friends, families, colleagues to help them finance specialized equipment or services that are not covered by the various health systems. Ataxia Canada matches each donation!
- Supporting the research: we generate new research projects by providing financial support aimed at contributing to the advancement of neurosciences and treatments for this disease. It is important to note that even if ataxia is a rare disease, its genetic cause is simple and well identified and as such, advancements could have applications for several other neuromuscular diseases.