Event details
- Wednesday | 2015-09-26
- 11:00
- Aréna Festival, 84 rue festival, Shédiac, Nouveau-Brunswick. Contactez Stéphanie O'Bien par e-mail: sostephanieobrien@gmail.com
Hi everyone,
We are please to invite you to the 1st annual Run, Walk & Roll for Ataxia!
Join us on Saturday September 26, 2015 at 11:00am to celebrate International Ataxia Awareness Day. The event will be held in the parking lot of the Shediac Festival Arena, at 84 Festival Street in Shediac New Brunswick. You can run, walk, or roll (for wheelchair users) More details to come!
Ataxia is a neurological, degenerative condition. The main symptoms include a lack of balance and coordination of the movements. ‘’There are many different types of ataxia, and can vary depending on age, or its cause. It’s evolution can vary in individuals’’ For more information, visit
Currently, there is no cure for Ataxia. With Run, Walk & Roll, our goal is to raise awareness regarding the realities faced by ataxians and to raise funds to fight ataxia. All proceeds go to Ataxia Canada – Claude St Jean Foundation, and organization that is dedicated in ‘’creating awareness, research advancement, and support for ataxia patients and their families in various social, economical and political aspects’’
If you are unable to attend, no to worry! If you wish, you may make an online donation at
Hope to see you there! 🙂
Source: Ataxia Canada, www.lacaf.org