Annual General Meeting

Event details

  • Wednesday | 2015-11-22
  • 12:30
  • 3100, rue Arcand, Montréal
  • 514-321-8684

Dear members and friends,

Please take note that Ataxia Canada’s Annual General Meeting will be held

on Sunday, November 22, 2015
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
at Centre Récréatif et Communautaire St-Donat
3100, rue Arcand, Montréal.


Arrive on time, registration will begin at 12:30 p.m. While registering, you can renew your 2016 membership for ten dollars.

Please confirm your presence as soon as possible, by phone: 514-321-8684 or by email:

Ataxia Canada’s office will reserve specialized transport for those who contact us in advance at the phone number mentioned above. A small buffet will be set out at the adjournment of the meeting.

At the meeting, you will be brought up to date about the Association’s activities and projects. Also, the election of the board of directors the will take place; only members in good standing can vote.

Professor Jacques P. Tremblay of Molecular Medicine Department at Laval University in Quebec city will report the latest advances in research on ataxia.

Your presence is important.

Lucie Gagnon