Annual general assembly 2021

Event details

  • Wednesday | 2021-12-05
  • 13:00

Dear members,
You are cordially invited to the annual general assembly of the members of Ataxia Canada-Claude St-Jean Foundation. The meeting will be held virtually on December 5th , 2021 at 1PM.
This assembly will give you the opportunity to exercise your vote, inform yourself of our financial statements and our ongoing efforts and scientific endeavors. A live translator will be present for language interpretation for french to english translation.
We thank you for confirming your presence and we invite you to RSVP by registering.



  1. Opening of meeting and welcome statement.
  2. Roll Call and confirmation of quorum.
  3. Nomination of assembly president and secretary.
  4. Reading and adoption of the agenda.
  5. Approval of the minutes of the last general meeting on Sunday November 29th 2020
  6. Words from the president
  7. Words from the General Manager
  8. Presentation of financial statements for 2020-2021 (French only)
  9. Presentation and acceptance of budgetary forecast for 2021-2022
  10. Nomination of financial auditors for 2021-2022
  11. Reading of the notice of Nominations Committee.
  12. Recommendation of the Nominating Committee.
  13. Election of new directors.
  14. Address by Dr. Antoine Duquette.
  15. Address by scientific researcher
  16. Questions period.
  17. Executive committee elections.
  18. Closing of the general meeting.