Ataxia Canada is always looking for volunteers to help with a variety of tasks. If you are willing to get involved in the association, please fill out this questionnaire providing you with 33 oppoptunities to volunteer.

“Getting involved to get the association going”

We will not divulge any information provided.


First Name and Last Name *

E-mail *

City and Province*


Yes, I would like to help taxia Canada by participating in the following ways:

Supporter Level

1. Manning information stands (shopping centres and other public spaces)
2. Selling promotional items
3. Friendly get-togethers
4. Accompanying people on everyday outings
5. Providing material for the Eldorado revue
6. Doing research on the Internet on new information about ataxia
7. Spreading the word about Ataxia Canada by publishing links to its web site
8. Helping organize the annual general assembly (November)
9. Taking part in sports events and tournaments to raise money for Ataxia Canada

Friend Level

10. Taking part in information events with media
11. Spreading messages related to Ataxia Canada through local print media
12. Networking in business and professional circles
13. Promoting Ataxia Canada to people with ataxia who are not yet members
14. Fundraising
15. Written appeals for funding
16. Telephone appeals for funding
17. Looking for alternative sources of funding
18. Being part of a support committee
19. Representing Ataxia Canada on social action committees or related organizations

Professional Level

20. Giving talks to targeted audiences
21. Becoming a regional spokesperson for Ataxia Canada
22. Organizing occasional benefit events
23. Organizing annual benefit event
24. Sitting on Ataxia Canada's board of administration
25. Sitting on Ataxia Canada's science council
26. Sitting on a consultative committee for medical or other issues
27. Doing political lobbying
28. Representing Ataxia Canada in public debates
29. Organizing or participating in awareness campaigns (schools or hospitals)
30. Computer graphics/design
31. Webmastering
32. Photography
33. Video production